Whether it is lowering your cost, generating new revenue streams, gaining better business insight or being compliant, CONNIO can enable you to achieve your goals leveraging the Internet of Things.
CONNIO has a comprehensive list of features that will help develop any kind of Internet of Things solution fast.
CONNIO is the first IoT platform that fully supports OPC UA. It turns your apps and devices into OPC UA compliant services effortlessly.
Security is the single most important attribute of the IoT. CONNIO is secure at every level of the integration.
CONNIO's app and device centric approach will allow you build mashups among devices, apps, peoples and places instantly.
Our Connio Device Agent™, SDKs and built-in MQTT support will allow you to connect and manage your devices from the Cloud.
CONNIO is big data ready. You can grow your capacity to hundred of Terabytes by simply adding new data nodes on the fly.
You can easily replicate data from CONNIO to other tools and systems for advance reporting and analytics. It is your data after all.
Billing engine monitors the usage of your apps, devices and data continuously. You can get paid for what you share with others.
CONNIO is offered as Public Cloud, Private Cloud or On-Premise. No data has to leave your jurisdiction.
When combined with our customer support skills, CONNIO's unique stability and performance will provide you with the best medium for delivering your Internet of Things solutions in confidence.
We provide telco-grade security at every level of the integration. We also fully support OPC UA security model.
CONNIO is elastic. You can increase or reduce the capacity to meet your varying workload.
You have options. You can extend CONNIO with JavaScript, Webhooks or custom services.
We offer different SLA's and support plans that meet your needs.
We will contact you in 1 - 2 business days